Post #1: It’s Me Or Call of Duty!

My lovely trollmates, as you all know, having a gamer as a boyfriend can be tough. Sure, some of them are ultra-romantic, but the vast majority of them are not. So how do we get them to appreciate us? And more importantly, how do we get them to put down the controller?!

Even if you are a gamer yourself, you’re still a woman, which means you have certain needs for your relationship. Women need some tenderness and affection, can I get an AMEN?!

However! This blog is not for those girls who think their boys should just put down the game console permanently and go watch the Titanic in 3D while brushing each other’s hair and talking about Gucci handbags. This leads us to the first rule of dating a gamer!

  • Rule Number One: Don’t make him choose.

The first step of being a trollmate is understanding that games are just as much as a part of your man’s life as you are. If you tell him its you or the games, be prepared for him to show you the door, not because he loves the games more than you by any means, but because you would be taking away something that he enjoys. That would be like him telling you to choose between him and a pair of Louboutin red bottoms. You shouldn’t have to choose between two things you love, why should he? This is especially true for those trollmates who are also gamers. He wouldn’t ask you to quit playing your game, so why should his situation be any different?

Now, many of you ladies might be saying: “But Taylor! My man is too old to play those games! He’s an adult, video games are for children!” And at one time, I would have agreed with you. But remember, no one will ever say a man is too old to hunt or fish! To which you ladies might respond, “But hunting and fishing are skills that would be useful! Video games aren’t!” To which I would respond: Honey, if the zombie Apocalypse happens, you’re gonna be glad you found a man who knew exactly what weapons to bring and where to hide.

But seriously, as childish as they may seem, video games are really a way for guys to de-stress. I mean, hey, if my boyfriend wants to kill something, I’m just glad it’s zombies in a virtual game rather than him actually going out and committing actual crimes. No, this does not mean that men who play games are more violent than those who don’t. All men have some type of aggression or masculine energy that they need to use up. Some guys play sports. Some guys play video games. It’s all good.

Now, of course this doesn’t mean that men should be allowed to play video games all day every day while we make them sammiches and clean the house. This IS the 21st century ladies, and we need some attention once in a while. I mean, they ARE our boyfriends, after all.

Basically what I’m saying here is that video games for some guys are a hobby; they love them, they want to play them, and they aren’t going to stop playing them just because some girl wants to talk to them 24/7. If you really wanna be with your gamer, you have to show him that you’re totally cool with him taking some time to play his games. Do this, and I promise he’ll appreciate you.

So ladies, the next time your man is playing his xbox for an hour or two, let him. Once he sees that you’re okay with his first love, his xbox, he’ll be more willing to let YOU into his life, permanently.

~<3 ~


About Taylor

Hey there! I'm Taylor! I am a college student who simply wants to make people laugh, and create connections. I am the author of the blog "A Girl's Guide to a Gamer Guy: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Internet Culture", and I love it. I also host my own online Blog Talk Radio show called College Girl Uncensored. I hope you will all follow my blog and give me any feedback you might have!

4 thoughts on “Post #1: It’s Me Or Call of Duty!

  1. Jenna Hix says:

    I agree. Another thing ladies is that guys minds work differently than ours, they are very “one thing at a time and I’ll do something else when and only when I’m done.” their not bug on multi-tasking and when we interrupt something their focusing on its mostly just frustrating and doesn’t do anything anyway so just let them play till their done then they’ll be in a better mood and you’ll get your attention.

  2. I like what you are saying and I agree with your ideologies, views and opinions. If all the women of the world listened to you young lady perhaps video games in the eyes of some women wouldn’t have such a bad rep. For my university marketing class last week, I did this presentation that was worth half my grade where I chose to market Doom3 BFG to women – and I was almost thrown out of the room by the stampede of ladies itching to have the gamer removed from their presence.
    Nice post 😀

  3. Thanks for the comment Jenna, you are so right! Guys have to focus on what they’re doing, they don’t like to do a million things at once like us girls do!

    And naughtynefarious, that was probably an awesome presentation! Haha I share your pain; although I’m not a gamer, I do really like internet culture memes and 4chan and such, and a lot of girls think that’s totally weird. hahaha but really, you should blog about that presentation, I bet it was great! I’m in an econ class right now, and our teacher played the Pokemon theme song to talk about elasticity… internet culture and gaming is more and more a part of our society, and girls need to be more aware of it, instead of writing it off as weird. Thanks for the comment, promise I’ll blog some more soon 🙂

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